Use this form to submit changes for your existing Al-Anon meeting with SCWS and the World Service Office (WSO).

Do not send a copy or register a second time with WSO.

Only a single individual (we suggest the Group’s CMA or GR) should submit changes. When you submit the information to SCWS, the Group Records Coordinator accesses the WSO database directly and inputs all information / changes. Personal anonymity is always maintained on the WSO online meeting directory. Members names, phone number, home addresses or personal email addresses are not published.

Contact the SCWS Group Records Coordinator if you have any questions.

This form is only used for updating existing Al-Anon meetings. To register or submit updates for an Alateen meeting, you must complete the Alateen Registration/Group Records Change Form (GR-3) found here.

Click here to see why it’s important to keep your group information current.

If you are registering as a new Group Representative, you must register:

  • by the first Saturday of May in order to vote at the May Assembly.
  • by the first Saturday of November in order to vote at the November Assembly.

The Area Assemblies are held on the third Saturdays of May and November.

Al-Anon Group Change Form

Use this form to submit changes for your existing Al-Anon meeting with SCWS and the World Service Office (WSO).

Do not send a copy or register a second time with WSO.

Only a single individual (we suggest the Group’s CMA or GR) should submit changes. When you submit the information to SCWS, the Group Records Coordinator accesses the WSO database directly and inputs all information / changes. Personal anonymity is always maintained on the WSO online meeting directory. Members names, phone number, home addresses or personal email addresses are not published.

Contact the SCWS Group Records Coordinator if you have any questions.

This form is only used for updating existing Al-Anon meetings. To register or submit updates for an Alateen meeting, you must complete the Alateen Registration/Group Records Change Form (GR-3) found here.

Click here to see why it’s important to keep your group information current.

If you are registering as a new Group Representative, you must register:

  • by the first Saturday of May in order to vote at the May Assembly.
  • by the first Saturday of November in order to vote at the November Assembly.

The Area Assemblies are held on the third Saturdays of May and November.

    * required field

    Submitted by (Should we have any questions)

    Name *

    Phone Number *

    Email Address *

    1. Group Identification (Existing/registered information only; Mark changes under #5)

    WSO ID Number *

    If you don't know the WSO ID number, click here.

    District (and City) Where Group is Registered *

    If you don't know the District number, click here.

    Group Name *

    If you don't know the Group Name, click here.

    Day *

    Time (Pacific Time Zone) *

    AM/PM *

    2. Status *

    3. Change Effective Date

    4. Group is Registered As Meeting *

    If your group's method of meeting is changing, explain the change in the #10 Comments / Questions section. Examples include changing a group from a Physical to an Electronic or adding/removing Electronic Access for a Physical (Hybrid) Group.

    5. Changes * (Check all that apply)

    6. Group/Registration Overview

    Group Name**

    **Group names are visible to members, newcomers, professionals, and the public. They are the first chance a group has to offer help and hope. They reflect Al-Anon principles and are inviting to all. The WSO reviews all proposed group names and reserves the right to delay processing when meeting names are not in keeping with Al-Anon spiritual principles. Contact the Area Group Records Coordinator for further information.

    Mailing Language***

    ***The language in which the group receives all correspondence.

    Language Spoken

    Physical Location: Meeting Place Name

    Meeting Address




    Location Instructions

    If your Group has a specific format, note it here (such as, Fourth Step, Step Study, Tradition Study, Literature, Speaker Meeting, etc). You may also add the length of meeting or the end time of your meeting. Enter information for newcomers to find a physical meeting, i.e. room number, 2nd floor, parking information, etc. No driving instructions; however, street intersections may be added.

    Electronic Information

    Add electronic access information (Meeting platform, ID and passcode) here. If a meeting does not wish to publish the electronic meeting information, a group email address must be provided.

    Group Email****

    **** Must be an email address specific to the group name; a personal email address cannot be used.

    Group Contact: First Name*****

    Phone Number

    Group Contact: First Name*****

    Phone Number

    ***** WSO refers newcomers and visitors on a one to one basis to these members for information. This information is not published.

    7. Meeting Details


    Time (Pacific Time Zone)


    Additional Meeting Day (Must be in same location, same method)

    Member Count (Estimate. No ranges)


    • Families and Friends Only A meeting that is available for Al-Anon members and prospective members only. Anyone who has been affected by someone else’s drinking is welcome.

    • Families, Friends and Observers Welcome A meeting that welcomes observers seeking information about Al-Anon, such as professionals, medical personnel, students, reporters, etc., as well as newcomers and members of Al-Anon.

    ** This box is to register a Beginners meeting that is an add-on to another group, use the Additional Meeting section and select Beginners box, and add that meeting as part of your group. This box is not for stand alone Separate Beginner groups, which are encouraged to have the name Beginner in their group name are eligible to have a Group Representative.
    *** Attendance changes frequently; not considered an Al-Anon group. Attendees are invited to go to regular Al-Anon meetings.


    This information is optional and may be used to provide additional information about the participants. In keeping with Traditions Three and Five, our groups welcome anyone affected by someone else’s drinking. Every Al-Anon meeting is open to every Al-Anon member.

    8. Current Mailing Address (CMA)

    The CMA must reside in Southern California. All postal/electronic communications to the group are sent to the CMA. All groups need to maintain a CMA -- typically a member who attends the group regularly to deliver/share the mail. Some groups have the postal mail sent to the meeting location (Group is CMA). This information is not published.

    First Name

    Last Name

    Street/PO Box




    Phone Number

    Phone Type

    Email (Can be group email)

    9. Group Service Positions

    The GR and AGR must reside in Southern California (see Service Position drop down list below). The ISR / AISR, Group Secretary and Group Treasurer information is maintained by AIS offices only. This information is not published.

    Service Position

    First Name

    Last Name

    Street/PO Box




    Phone Number

    Phone Type


    10. Comments / Questions

    If you need to provide more detail, add it here (resuming meeting in person, change to electronic meeting, special instructions, etc).

    The WSO will register any group designating itself as an Al-Anon Family Group with the understanding that it will abide by the Traditions and that the meeting will be open to any Al-Anon members. (Digest of Al-Anon and Alateen Policies)

    By registering as an Al‑Anon Family Group with Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. (AFG, Inc.), a group is granted permission to use the Al‑Anon trademarked name and logo without modification for the purposes of Public Outreach as well as AFG, Inc. copyrighted materials for the sole purpose of conducting its meetings. Al‑Anon copyrighted materials are limited to:

    • Suggested Welcome, Suggested Closing, Suggested Preambles to the Twelve Steps, the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of Service as they are found in the current version of the Al‑Anon / Alateen Service Manual (P24/27), without alteration or modification.

    • Conference Approved Literature (CAL) screenshots or printouts, when accompanied by copyright acknowledgement and limited in scope to content possible to be shared and discussed during one meeting.

    This permission is granted for as long as the group continues to hold meetings; remains in compliance with AFG, Inc. intellectual property policies and instructions; refrains from distributing or posting permanently, in a public forum, copyrighted materials; and remains an Active registered group with AFG, Inc. These materials may not be modified and permission to use these materials may not be transferred to anyone without prior written approval. The group shall not use the materials in any way that could damage the reputation and goodwill that has been established in the materials.