This page contains a listing of the materials or presentations made at SCWS Assembly or Committee meetings sorted by category. Within each category the items are sorted by date (most recent listed first).

Many of these presentations may make little to no sense without having heard the report from the presenter. Reports are published in the corresponding issue of the Bulletin.


This page contains a listing of the materials or presentations made at SCWS Assembly or Committee meetings sorted by category. Within each category the items are sorted by date (most recent listed first).

Many of these presentations may make little to no sense without having heard the report from the presenter. Reports are published in the corresponding issue of the Bulletin.

Assembly and Committee Agendas
Conference Rules
Conflict Resolution
Cooperating with the Professional Community
Delegate Reports
Electronic Meetings
Knowledge Based Decision Making
Sharing of Service (SOS) Workshops
Reasoning Things Out
Resolving Group and Member Concerns Task Force
Task Force
Thought Force