Orientation Material

New District Representative orientation sessions are held at the start of every Southern California World Service Committee meeting. The material presented at these orientation sessions as well as other material to be discussed at a Committee meeting are available on the Committee Meeting page.

District Officer Registration / Update

District Representatives must be registered in order to participate at Area Committee meetings. All Al-Anon / Alateen members are welcome to attend Area Committee meetings, but only a registered DR, or an Alternate District Representative (when a district’s DR is not attending), has a voice and vote at an Area Committee meeting. You can can register / update the registration of District officers using the Area Service Position Registration form.

District Representative

The District Representative (DR) is an important link between the groups and the Area Assembly. The district is a geographical segment containing a number of groups, located relatively closely to one another. The DR represents the district at Area World Service Committee (AWSC) meetings, and conveys information back to the groups. The DR chairs regular district meetings for groups in the district.

Any incoming, outgoing, or active past Al-Anon or Alateen Group Representative (GR) who is willing to represent the district at Area World Service Committee meetings (AWSC) and Area Assembly, and who is not also a member of A.A., is eligible to serve as DR. A DR should have basic knowledge of Al-Anon and Alateen Traditions and the Concepts of Service, and how to apply them in the links of service. See the “World Service Handbook” section of the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27).

The GRs in the district elect the DR. The DR assists the Delegate in passing on information about World Service Office (WSO) activities and World Service Conference (WSC) decisions to the GRs in the district.

  • To call and chair District meetings at regular intervals.
  • To help the Delegate in every way possible in disseminating Conference information and reports.
  • To keep in touch with the GRs of his District to learn the views of the groups and their problems, which, in turn, he may report to the Area World Service Committee or the Delegate.
  • To visit all the groups in his District, particularly new groups, to make sure they are getting necessary information and help.
  • To help the groups understand and apply the Traditions, which guide us in our fellowship activities.
  • To encourage members to become involved in service.
  • To coordinate program-related service events and public outreach projects for the District.
  • To prepare and update a contact list of the GRs in his District for the Area World Service Committee.
  • To urge every group to complete and promptly return the group data sheets sent out annually by the World Service Office.
  • To check the group’s Current Mailing Address (CMA) with each GR in the District to determine if it is correct.
  • To make sure correspondence from the WSO is reaching the groups and being shared with the members.
  • To attend Area World Service Committee meetings and Area Assemblies and report on activities within his District.
  • To notify the Area Group Records Coordinator of group changes, new groups, or disbanded groups.
  • To communicate with the local Al‑Anon Information Service (AIS/Intergroup/LDC).
  • To help groups understand Al‑Anon is a worldwide fellowship and help them understand the structure of their Assembly and WSO.
  • To get to know the Alateen Group Sponsors in the District and encourage the Alateen groups to send GRs to District meetings.
  • To fulfill any duties as stated in the Area Alateen Behavioral and Safety Requirements.
  • To refer to resources available at al-anon.org including the Service Manual and various service guidelines.
Orientation Material

New District Representative orientation sessions are held at the start of every Southern California World Service Committee meeting. The material presented at these orientation sessions as well as other material to be discussed at a Committee meeting are available on the Committee Meeting page.

District Officer Registration / Update

District Representatives must be registered in order to participate at Area Committee meetings. All Al-Anon / Alateen members are welcome to attend Area Committee meetings, but only a registered DR, or an Alternate District Representative (when a district’s DR is not attending), has a voice and vote at an Area Committee meeting. You can can register / update the registration of District officers using the Area Service Position Registration form.