The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope, in order to solve their common problems. We believe alcoholism is a family illness, and that changed attitudes can aid recovery.

Al-Anon is not allied with any sect, denomination, political entity, organization, or institution; does not engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any cause. There are no dues for membership. Al-Anon is self-supporting through its own voluntary contributions.

Al-Anon has but one purpose: to help families of alcoholics. We do this by practicing the Twelve Steps, by welcoming and giving comfort to families of alcoholics, and by giving understanding and encouragement to the alcoholic.

© Al-Anon’s Suggested Preamble to the Twelve Steps, copyright Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.


Southern California World Service (SCWS) became a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in early 1990s, following discussions and a motion passed by the Group Representatives (GR). The decision to incorporate was mainly for the purpose of getting a non-profit discount on mailing our Bulletin newsletter (the largest expenses we had back then). Bylaws were required to legally register with the State of CA and they remain in the background today. The Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (SM) is our guide (as noted in our Bylaws).

Occasionally (usually about every 3 years), updates are made to our Bylaws to incorporate motions that the GRs have made during the preceding years, but only those which affect our Bylaws. Updates to the Bylaws also incorporate changes from the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual, SCWS process changes, and language clarifications. The Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual is updated about every 3 years. Motions passed by the GRs go into effect immediately, and then are added later to the Bylaws as part of our “housekeeping,” to update the document.

Bylaws Committee Members

Our SCWS past delegates serve on this Bylaws update committee, bringing the historical knowledge they have acquired. Each and every draft change has been discussed and agreed upon by the committee (in this case they met nearly every Thursday for the past 3+ years). The board is kept informed during the process. Then the draft is presented to the full SCWS Area World Service Committee (AWSC, which are your District Reps/DRs, the board, etc). They then decide to put it on the agenda for an upcoming Assembly. Draft changes in the Bylaws’ updates must be voted on by the GRs.


You can read the current Bylaws as voted on in the in the 2017 update.

The proposed updates to the Bylaws are available in SCWS Bylaws Draft August 2023. This draft was presented to the AWSC August 2023 committee meeting. The committee members voted to put them on the agenda for a vote by the GRs in November 2023 Assembly. In this document, Yellow highlighting draws attention to all proposed changes. To help you understand the individual changes, comment boxes have been placed to the right.

Changes to the Bylaws

Unfortunately, time did not allow the Assembly GRs to discuss or vote on the update in the November 2023 Assembly. The AWSC voted in February 2024 to carry them over to the agenda for discussion and a vote at the Assembly in May 2024. Again, in May 2024, time did not allow us to get to them that day, even thought after a thorough discussion where the GRs passed a motion confirming that the Bylaws update be discussed and voted on. Therefore, they will be carried over to the next Assembly (assumed to be November 16, 2024).

Bylaws require that proposed changes be posted for review 45 days in advance of a vote. We learned from past experience that time constraints prevent additional changes from being made during the Assembly. Plus, any changes would require another 45 day review period. Note that a list is kept of suggestions to be considered in the next routine update. Therefore, at the Assembly the GRs are asked to vote to accept the draft changes, or reject them, as a whole. Time will be given for questions. We appreciate you reviewing the posted draft in advance. Thank you for your service, and thanks to all our SCWS trusted servants.

Please note, that following WSO’s lead, the SCWS Bylaws are a specific legal document and therefore have not been translated into Spanish. However, there is no reason portions cannot be translated into Spanish for Assembly discussions