Area World Service Committee (AWSC)
This Committee consists of the officers of the Assembly, District Representatives, Coordinators, and liaison members who meet between Assemblies to discuss Area and District matters, plan the agenda for the Assembly, initiate projects, and make recommendations to the Assembly. All Committee members may vote at the meetings of the Area World Service Committee.
~~Page 140 of the current Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual – World Service Handbook Section
The AWSC meets twice a year on the third Saturday in February and August of each year.
See Calendar of Events for meeting dates, Zoom links, and meeting information.
The Area World Service Committee is one of the three arms of service as described below.
Area Structure
The California South Area is divided into 30 geographical districts, as depicted in the Area map, encompassing approximately 1060 Al-Anon and Alateen groups and 1260 meetings; some groups meet multiple times per week. California South Area World Service is comprised of the following service arms:
- Area World Service Board
- Area World Service Committee
- Area World Service Assembly
The Area World Service Board serve a three year term, also known as a panel, and consists of the following elected officers and appointed coordinators (linked to job descriptions):
Delegate / Immediate Past Delegate
Appendix to the Treasurer Guidelines
- Appointed Coordinators
- Alateen Communications
- Alateen Events
- Alateen Member
- Alateen Sponsor
- Archives
- Area Alateen Process Person
- Area Information Service / Literature Distribution Center (AIS-LDC)
- Bulletin
- Cooperating with the Professional Community [Public Outreach/CPC]
- Group Records
- Hospitality
- Institutions [Public Outreach/Inst]
- Insurance
- Literature
- Public Information [Public Outreach/PI]
- Spanish
- Website
The Area World Service Committee (AWSC) consists of the following members (all have voice and vote):
- Area World Service Board
- District Representatives
- Intergroup Liaisons
- Area Recognized Convention Chairs
The Area World Service Assembly (AWSA) consists of the following members:
- Area World Service Committee (voice only)
- Group Representatives (voice and vote)