Alateen, a part of Al-Anon, is for young people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Every Alateen group needs active, adult members of Al-Anon to serve as Sponsors. The following questions may help you decide if you can say “yes” to Alateen sponsorship.
- Are you looking for service work that is rewarding, loving and exciting?
- Have you ever thought about helping Alateen?
- Are you aware that sponsoring Alateen is a Twelfth-Step opportunity for you?
- Is there an Alateen meeting in your town?
- Have you thought of the teens who want help and can’t get it because Alateen isn’t available?
- Can you make a commitment to an Alateen meeting for the next six months or year?
- Are you willing to meet with Alateen members to share with them, laugh with them, and sometimes cry?
- Can you allow Alateens to conduct their own meeting without controlling or directing?
- Can you listen with an open mind, giving Alateen members the freedom to express themselves?
- Can you respect the anonymity of Alateen members by not discussing their comments with their parents or others?
- Can you say no to inappropriate behavior and explain your reasoning while continuing to love them?
- Can you suggest program tools (slogans, Steps, Traditions, books, pamphlets) and not give advice?
- Do you know the difference between guidance and domination? Are you willing to learn?
- Have you thought, if only you knew how to go about it, you would sponsor Alateen?
If you are at least 25 years old, have been an active member of Al-Anon for at least two years, have met your area requirements, and are willing to share your program, Alateen sponsorship may be for you. If you are interested, make contact with your group representative, an Alateen Sponsor, Area or District Alateen Coordinator, District Representative or Information Service (Intergroup) Office.
Copyright Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. ©1991
Alateen Sponsorship – Is it for You? (S-27)
Reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.