Al-Anon Information Service Offices and Literature Distribution Centers

NameAIS/LDCDistrictsContact Information
Al-Anon in the DesertLDCDistrict 42[email protected]
Inland Empire AISDistrict 40[email protected]
Kern Al-Anon and AlateenAISDistrict 6[email protected]
Los AngelesAISDistricts 9, 17, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 45, 48, 54 and 57[email protected]
Orange CountyAISDistricts 60, 63, 66[email protected]
San Diego AISDistricts 69 and 78[email protected]
San Luis ObispoLDCDistrict 3[email protected]
Santa Barbara CountyLDCDistrict 8[email protected]
Ventura CountyAISDistrict 12[email protected]
Spanish LAAISDistrict 64 [email protected]
Spanish SDAISDistrict 78[email protected]

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